Thursday, April 10, 2008

Give us a Wii HD, Nintendo!

Many Wii owners have tearsed the lack of a harddrive peripheral for the console, and now Harmonix has jumped on the bandwagon calling for the add-on.

"Come on Nintendo, we need a hard drive," important Rob Kay, design director at Harmonix and on Repetitive rock music Amalgamate in an speak with CVG. "That's what we want. The whole problem is there's nowhere to store it."

"If the platform could do it, we'd jump on it. It's something that we championed to Nintendo, that we'd like to do it," Kay added.

"Who knows what will happen down the line, I don't know what's coming down the line, but that's the reason there's no DLC in Wii Rock Band."

Harmonix's title will hit the console in North America on June 22.

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